Monday, December 6, 2010

One day to Dreamforce; my chatter entry gets some airtime!

It's 1 day to Dreamforce and I made it to the US this morning after 12hrs from Brisbane. Some fellow DF'ers accompanying me on the flight which was cool - even from Brisbane Australia there's Dreamforce excitement!

Grabbed a quick look at Ben Kepes's blog entry on Dreamforce preview on Friday evening and was pleasantly surprised to see my Chatter dev challenge app TwitCh mentioned, along with my video write-up of what it does - thanks Ben for the mention! I am aiming to get even more features in to a V2 which I'm going to do as part of the Hackathon tomorrow at Cloudstock. 12+ hours on the plane over gae me a bit of time to do a list of user stories that I think will make TwitCh even more usable, and if anyone is keen I will aim to put it on Codeshare afterwards.

Apart from that, can't wait to see what Cloudstock has in store for us - so many tech companies to get round in one day! Looking forward to a jet-lag busting rest this afternoon, in preparation for the rest of the week. Look forward to seeing you all from tomorrow...

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